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FUSE Platform Roadmap

In-Context Media Playback

Stage: Architecture

When a video or podcast is selected from a resultset, its container expands and the media can be optionally consumed without leaving the page.

Connector line that represents next stop in the timeline.


Stage: Architecture

Is this content helpful/what you were looking for? Similar to our FUSE Trends Plus™ offering, search ranking can be influenced by peers with settable thresholds (e.g. 12 users must vote before influence is applied).

Connector line that represents next stop in the timeline.

Feedback Loop

Stage: In-Development

With a screen recording capability, users provide input on content (customer) and/or their experience (FUSE/customer) for action to be taken on later, leading to an improved user experience overall.

Connector line that represents next stop in the timeline.

Frictionless Buy

Stage: Architecture

Allow users to register and/or purchase directly from the resultset in one click, capturing data from FUSE’s API later. Remove a burdensome checkout process and/or need for an account and convert buyers for your valuable content.